Google Ranking? Check!
Doctor Carmine Morreale founded BCOH in Boston, Massachusetts over 35 years ago and asked for our help in late 2019, just before the pandemic. He was spending money for web services that he did not receive. His monthly organic traffic was barely approaching 200 unique visitors in good months and his Google ad was not performing the way he wanted. He had no google first pages, his ranking needed a lot of work.
There was a lot of work ahead, but being around dentists most of my life, I was ready for the challenge.
Having all of his website services; domain registrations (he had many domains to manage), website hosting and designing, Marketing and Advertising services. handled by the same company was also a big relief for Doctor Morreale. No more finger pointing and endless wait to see things happen.
He had a Google G-Suite account, he was pleased when we converted all of his email to Gmail.
Doctor Morreale was looking for a live chat system that would engage with his patients. He was very surprised to see his Lead generation to attain 40% pretty quickly after installing our ECM Smart Live chat.
Today, Doctor Morreale has piece of mind using Eck Creative Media as he knows that we are always there for him and find a solution no matter what the problem.
We worked relentlessly to get his content ranked on Google and achieved more than 60 x 1st Pages in less than a year.
We have implement an SEO Marketing Campaign and worked, using our proprietary AI-CGS (AI Content Generating Systems ) to identify the proper keywords and tags for each and every single pages of his new website.
We worked tireless rewriting his blog post and SEO optimized every single content on his all website.
We are proud to say that, appears in more than 60 x Google fist pages today.
His traffic today is almost at the 2,000 unique visitors per month! (a far cry from what 200, what is was just a year ago).
We built a beautiful Email Marketing Campaign using our own Email Marketing System and contacted thousands of his existing patients.
Doctor Morreale just finished writing his first book on Snoring and Sleep Apnea, we designed and publish his new ebook on the Google AMP network for fast deliverability.
He can not be more pleased with his new ECM Smart Live chat that brings him consistently every single month 40% more Leads.
BCOH, located in Boston, Massachusetts can rest assured, help is only a phone call away.
By using Eck Creative Media, Doctor Carmine Morreale put all of his Website Services under one roof.
He does not have to worry about his Website anymore, now he can spend more time on his dental practice.