Perfect Short Video Script

“What type of secret are you sharing with your audience today?”

    Your Business Name

    What is your name?

    1- What is your Role or Title as it applies to your Audience?

    2- Who is your Target Audience?

    3- Why does it make sense for you to talk to your audience today about this topic

    4- What type of "chunks/secrets" are you sharing with your audience today?

    5- What are people really struggling with in this area that you can help them with?

    6- What's the big idea or misconception that you audience has in this area that you are about to "seep away" for them?

    7- What is the thing most people think is important in this area, but is not?

    8- So what area of their lives or business are you going to revolution their way of thinking?

    9- What is the big idea or thing you will reveal to them here in this short video?(be general but at the same time intriguing}

    10- What is this big idea or thing you've just revealed called or named? (be more specific)

    11- In 1 or 2 sentences give more details/explain to your audience more about the thing you just revealed above

    12- What is the big payoff of this thing you just revealed to them?

    13- What are they thinking right now that is an objection or question about your big idea/thing you just revealed?

    14- What are you going to show them that will put their fears to rest right now?

    15- What is the first "chunk" (secret/mistake, etc..) you'll share with them?

    16- What is the big idea behind this first "chunk" (secret/mistake, etc..)?

    17- Why is this first "chunk" (secret/mistake, etc..) important to them?

    18- What is the second "chunk" (secret/mistake, etc..) you'll share with them?

    19- What is the big idea behind this second "chunk" (secret/mistake, etc..)?

    20- Why is this second "chunk" (secret/mistake, etc..) important to them?

    21- What is the third "chunk" (secret/mistake, etc..) you'll share with them?

    22- What is the big idea behind this third "chunk" (secret/mistake, etc..)?

    23- Why is this third "chunk" (secret/mistake, etc..) important to them?

    24- After you reveal the 3 secrets/mistakes. etc.. what are they still thinking at this point? (Objections)?

    25- What is the real truth or cause behind that objection that they don't even realize?

    26- What is the thing you've developed/created/found that will solve this problem for them and make everything better?

    27- What did you do to bring this amazing thing to them?

    28- What makes this amazing thing you're telling them about so special?

    29- What will this amazing thing do for them?

    30- What is a cool accomplishment/thing about you that gives you strong credibility in this area?

    31- What is your superpower (or how do you know how to do that thing) What is the secret of your success for them?

    32- What have you done/created for them that they can take action on today?

    33- What can they do when they click the link?

    34- Why can't you keep this offer available for ever/why will prices probably go up?

    35- What else do you offer that you'll introduce them to later on in your sales funnel?

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